Ripe pears on a tree with the words "First Fruits" and "Proverbs 3:9".


“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
-2 Corinthians 9:7

Simple and secure.  Whether you’d like to make a one time payment or set up recurring payments, you can do it all online.  Make sure you choose where you want your money to go from the drop down list!

There is more than one way to give!

  • Sunday Gathering- Place your check (made out to Bethlehem Lutheran Church) or money into the collection plate during worship services.
  • Online Recurring & One Time Gift- Simply click here and follow the instructions to give online.
  • Other Gifts- If you have stocks, bonds, precious metals, or any other assets that you would like to donate to Bethlehem, you can contact your financial adviser or email the church office at and we will help you as best as we can.
  • Volunteer- Give your time.  Click here to find a place to serve today!

Explore options to give through Thrivent or direct your Thrivent Choice dollars to Bethlehem here.